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About Us

Vineyard Alternative School opened in 1987 for students needing an alternative school environment. Vineyard is a school of choice that uses an independent study program model as its primary means for instruction for students from grades kindergarten to twelve. 

Students meet with their teachers virtually or in person 1-2 times a week per class. There are two models of instruction to facilitate student learning.  The first model of instruction incorporates blended learning, in which instruction is supplemented with online learning platforms, promoting self-paced instruction and technology, accompanied by teacher support. The second model uses small-group instruction to help students achieve positive learning outcomes.  In this model, a group of five to fifteen students are able to not only interact and engage with the teacher and the curriculum but with other students in a small classroom environment.  In both learning models, students are taught, guided, and advised by highly qualified credentialed teachers who exercise their expertise in the subject area in which they are certified.

Mission Statement

Vineyard Alternative School creates an educational experience that empowers students to take control of their learning journey as they develop as independent learners who are capable of creative and critical thinking, self-advocacy, and are college and career ready.

Vision Statement

Every student will graduate with the skills needed to thrive in a challenging and changing world.

Schoolwide Learner Outcomes (SLOs)

Vineyard graduates will be:

  • Critical Thinkers and Problem Solvers
  • Self-Directed Learners
  • Effective Communicators
  • Adaptable and Resilient
  • College and/or Career Ready